Our Story

Once upon a time in a world before flip phones were the coolest tech around, two gals started an epic adventure. We're not talking Thelma and Louise here; this is the story of us, the dynamic duo behind Two Fine Threads. 

Picture this: we've been best buds for over four decades – that's longer than most people keep a favorite pair of jeans. Way longer! We were high school friends who somehow ended up immigrating to the good ol' US of A around the same time. Not only that, we settled in neighboring states. We're sure it was all part of a higher plan.

Our early post-high school years? Spent gallivanting around Queens, NY, and sometimes in quiet Connecticut. We'd occasionally revisit the island where we grew up, but never got to explore. Then there was the epic road trip from Queens to Atlanta, back when GPS and cell phones were merely a dream. Two friends, close to 2000 miles on the road, and a whole lot of "good times."

But, as life goes, we found ourselves walking down different paths. Between us, we've dedicated more than two decades to nursing (yes, we've seen it all) and another two to the dazzling realm of Information Technology. We ended up on opposite coasts, we traveled here and there, we started businesses. Life was happening but years later, it didn't feel like the life we dreamt about.

We have decided it's not too late to start down a new path. We're still on separate coast but let's start traveling again. That got us thinking about our need for comfort wear and our desire to stay cozy while we travel and one thing became clear: comfort was non-negotiable. We kept repeating it like a mantra. Our dream attire? A cozy sweatshirt for warmth (because planes are always iceboxes, right?), something comfy and roomy – no one wants to spend hours feeling like a human sausage.

And so, Two Fine Threads was born. 

We've hustled, pivoted, and persevered through life's twists and turns. Our mission? To make Two Fine Threads the go-to clothing brand for travel comfort. We want you to represent your destination in style as you explore the world. Why a llama in our logo, you ask? Well, these quirky creatures embody adaptability, strength, resilience, and a sense of community. That's us to a T. Plus, they make us smile.

Join us on this epic journey as we rock our comfy attire and hope to cross paths with amazing people like you along the way. So, buckle up, wear your comfort, and let's see where this adventure takes us!